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Is There a Home Watch Near Me?


Do you have more than one property or are you going on vacation?  You may be wondering: “Is there a home watch near me?”


There probably are a number of people willing to look after your home and offer a home watch service in your area, but we’re based in St Petersberg, Florida.


The area we focus on serving is the St Petersburg, Tampa Bay and closely surrounding Areas.



What does a home watch service do?


We come to your home, before you go away on vacation or move to your other property. 


We help you go through your home and close it up properly.  If you don’t want us to come walk you through the home close up process, you can download our handy checklist and do it yourself.


Once you have closed up your home, we’ll look after your property while you are away.


We’ll make it look like someone is still at your property while you’re absent by following the same kind of routine that you did while you were home. 



This can include:



  • Opening and closing windows

  • Drawing the curtains

  • Switching lights on and off

  • Removing post and newspapers

  • Letting the garden service work

  • Parking a vehicle in the driveway

  • Allowing contractors on site to work

  • Letting domestic workers access the premises

  • Doing regular shopping for home essentials

  • Keeping the vegetation trimmed

  • Home repairs

  • Washing and cleaning the driveway

  • Washing the vehicle outside

  • Putting the garbage out and bringing the bin in

  • Checking AC

  • Ensuring the thermostat is on

  • Making sure faucets are properly closed

  • Running vehicles and other machinery

  • Checking for mold and insects

  • Gathering flowers from the garden, etc, etc



We try to make it look as normal as possible.  A continuation of life as normal as possible in your absence, so that no-one gets the idea that your home is empty.



Why do I need a Home Watch?


You don’t need a home watch service, but relying on your home security system alone, leaves your home security open to blind spots. 


Your cameras and sensors do have blind spots and there are certain things that only people can do, like being active and moving round the house.


Human movement is necessary to deter criminals who are possibly watching homes in your neighborhood, to see which ones are vacant so that they can either vandalize or squat on the premises.



Why Should I Trust You?



I understand that you may be very apprehensive about letting a stranger(s) into your home, but rest assured, my team and I have no intention of doing anything other than look after your home.



Getting Our Existing Customer’s Permission First - Privacy


We’ve been at this game a while and may let you speak to our existing customers, we first need to get their permission. 


We respect their privacy and will respect yours too!


Think about it, would you want some stranger calling you to ask about the service you’re getting from your barber?  I doubt it.


In the same vein, we’re not going to disrespect our existing customers. 


We won’t let a total stranger call them asking questions about our service because that will ruin the relationship we have.


We don’t share any details about our customers whatsoever, unless they allow it. 


Remember, we mentioned privacy and respect.  At our core, we believe that’s what every person and business needs in this world.


You will see clauses in all our contracts about privacy and non-disclosures.



How Will I Be Protected if Something Goes Wrong?



We’re fully insured and bonded, while also being registered with the National Home Watch Association. (NHWA) 


If anything, they should be your first contact if you’re trying to find out if we’re reputable or not.


Everyone needs to do their due diligence before letting strangers into their home. 


So, how about just inviting us over for a cup of tea.  Get to know us and let’s see if we can help you.


If you’re uncomfortable inviting us into your home, how about we meet somewhere neutral, like a coffee shop, a park or anywhere public, where you might feel more comfortable, so that we can discuss your needs. 


There is no easy way to build trust and gain your confidence.  The best way for anyone to feel comfortable with other people, is by asking round and getting a gut feel for the other person or business.

That’s why we suggest meeting first - away from your home.


When you’ve done your research, spoken to the NHWA and maybe one or two of our clients, (if they consent!), then we can talk business.



How will I know what you’re doing from day to day?


We’ve already gone through the home close up process above.  Another part of the home close up process involves us showing you how our reporting software works.


The software can be downloaded for desktop, tablets, iOS and Android devices or any device that can connect to the web.


What we do is configure the type of package that you want, and each package comes with some pre-configured checks that we do on each visit to your home.


Each package has different visit frequencies and a different number of checks. 

Some things we’ll check for instance are:



  • Doors secure

  • Windows secure

  • Gates locked

  • Signs of entry round the perimeter

  • Mold

  • Insect infestations

  • Lights working

  • Water leaks

  • Condition of exterior

  • Condition of outer buildings

  • No vagrants

  • Outdoor décor

  • Security systems

  • AC and heaters



The above are mere examples of items we check.  As we said above, each package is different just like the needs of each home is different.


We can tailor each package to your specific needs, but we always start off with a template, then add and remove services as needed, before agreeing on a final cost with you.





While we go through the software with you, you will need to decide what type of report you want to receive, how often and at what time.


The software is on the devices we have with us when we go to your home.  The same checklist we agreed to while we were together closing your home, is the same checklist we use to check your home on each visit.


Whenever you have the time, wherever you are, you can log in and see what we’re doing in real time.

We’re available to chat in the software program, via email, WhatsApp, Messenger in Facebook, or you could just pick up the phone and call us.


If you want to learn more about the software and how it works, go watch this quick video that shows you.





Next time you’re wondering if there’s a home watch near me, take what we’ve said here, into consideration.


You don’t have to disrupt the lives of your friends and inconvenience your family. 


There are some super, reliable and trustworthy home watch service businesses out there.

Do your research and don’t let anyone waltz into your home.


First meet, get to know them and then decide if they’re the right people for you.

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